
Rules for presentations

Rules for presentations

 Time for the presentations:

  • Keynote Plenary Lectures: 1 hour, including discussion.
  • Invited Talks in Semi-plenary Sessions: 30 minutes, including discussion.
  • Talks in Thematic Tracks and Contributed Sessions: 20 minutes, including discussion.


Each speaker must have the presentation in a pen drive, to then use our local computers.

Participants will not be allowed to use his/her laptop.

Our system is Windows, so that the presentations must be compatible, PDF is strongly advised.

Please note that no Mac specific software is possible at all.



Posters should be maximum A0 and minimum A1 size.

Posters may be displayed during the whole conference period.

In each of the two Poster Sessions, the corresponding posters will be presented by their authors, who should be there (beside the poster) during that period.


We inform that, within the scope of IFCS 2024 conference, an event of public nature, the University of Costa Rica and SoCCCAD will proceed to capture images and sound for the strict purpose of documentation and dissemination of their institutional activities.

If you do not wish to be filmed and/or photographed, you must express this in writing, through the email ifcs.cimpa@ucr.ac.cr